When Henry VIII was King of England, he found himself with a problem not unfamiliar to men today, but with very different ramifications for him and his dynasty. He had a menopausal WIFE and no SON to succeed him on the throne, i.e. the family business. Now for men today, this is no problem at all. You file for DIVORCE, but back in Henry's day, divorce was not only FROWNED upon, but in the case of a KING, even the ATTEMPT could start a global WAR, especially when your WIFE was a blood relative to a King who had a lot more men under arms and the wealth of two continents, as well as the EAR of the POPE and the title of Holy Roman Emperor.
Such was Henry's dilemma when he met and fell in love with the vivacious Anne Boelyn, a first rate social climber complete with sycophantic family looking to get RICH and POWERFUL in the ONLY way open to them at that time, the FAVOR of the KING. The Boelyn family had already pimped out ONE daughter to horny Hank, but he had his fun and left her, pregnant and DISGRACED, called "The Great Prostitute" by all the nobles and courtiers in England. Sir Thomas Boelyn vowed his younger daughter, Anne, would NOT suffer the same fate and would be QUEEN of England. To this end, he instructed his daughter to tempt and seduce the King at every opportunity, but to REFUSE his attentions until she got the ring and the crown. Anne Boelyn, ever the dutiful daughter, and the headstrong social climber in her OWN right, dutifully obeyed and so Henry was a man with a wife he no longer desired and a mistress who would not comply. It's enough to drive a monarch MAD.
The solution to BOTH Henry's problems was a simple one on the surface. He would get RID of Catherine of Aaragon, his longsuffering WIFE, and marry Anne Boelyn, his younger and reputedly more FERTILE girlfriend, enabling him to have to the desired son and heir, as well as a lot more fun in the royal bedroom. However, in the affairs of KINGS, nothing is EVER simple. His wife, Catherine, REFUSED to go quietly, and appealed to both her powerful nephew, and the Pope for help. The nephew, King Charles V of Spain, basically told Henry that any disrespect to his aunt could be conceived as an act of WAR, and Charles had the larger army and treasury. Charles also drove the point home to the Pope by having a mercenary army invade Rome and the Vatican and take the Pope prisoner, just in case he was tempted to comply with the King's request for nullification of his marriage or an alternative divorce. Undaunted, Henry convened an ecclesiastical court which he attempted to RIG, but the Pope sent his personal emissary to be part of the proceedings, which stymied and frustrated Henry's goals in EVERY way.
The solution seemed to avoid the King and his sexual and political frustrations increased. Enter a LAWYER named Thomas Cromwell, a personal friend of and employee of Thomas Boelyn with some books by William Tyndale, a writer and avowed disciple of Martin Luther, the excommunicated catholic monk who believed that the Borgia Papacy had rendered the entire catholic church corrupt beyond redemption and in "Protest" of this, he initiated the PROTESTANT reformation and started the LUTHERAN Church. Unknown to Henry at the time, both his intended wife and her FAMILY as well as Thomas Cromwell, were devout LUTHERANS, a heresy punishable at that time by BURNING at the STAKE. However, Cromwell seized upon Tyndale's book "The Obedience of the Christian Man" which stated that it was the KING who was the rightful ruler in his own kingdom and NOT the Pope. This fed right into Henry's wheelhouse and ego and he sought to have himself declared Supreme Head of the Church in England. After bribing, threatening, or executing members of parliament who opposed this power grab, Henry got his law and the protestant reformation and revolution in England was under way,
This battle for English SOUL continued unabated through the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, "Bloody Mary" Tudor, Elizabeth I, James I, and Charles I and was at the heart of the English civil war. Not unlike "conservative" and "libertarian" Americans today, they knew they were no longer practicing Catholics, but as Henry had merely SHATTERED the Catholic church, but FAILED to replace it with a single orthodoxy and made the Bible and New Testament available in the ENGLISH language, every man in England suddenly though he heard GOD telling him how to reform the church and so the protestant faith continued to fracture and subdivide. There are many more protestants in the world today than there are catholics, but unlike the catholics who are UNITED, the protestants are factioned and fractured. It's pretty much the same with the non communist Americans today. We know we're NOT communists, but since the republican party has been so infiltrated with communist progressives, the message of REAL Republicans has gotten lost in the collectivist rhetoric and deeds of the "establishment" republicans.
Like the Protestants of England, only the coronation of Mary Tudor and the Catholic MASSACRES of protestants, regardless of sect, was enough to bring them together. So, too, MUST it be that the assault of COMMUNIST Democrats and their socialist minions in the Unions, Media, Academia, etc. will bring those of who do NOT self identify as either Communists or Democrats. By all accounts, self indentified "Liberals" (aka progressives or communists) make up only TWENTY FIVE percent of the population. That means WE outnumber THEM by a ratio of three to one, but the difference is that THEY are UNITED and WE are DIVIDED. Til we recognize that and come together with linked arms and in lock step, THEY will continue their progressive "march to the SEA" and like Sherman, leave nothing but SCORCHED America in their wakes.
What we the "Conservative" and "Libertarian" MAJORITY must accept is that ideological purity in a political candidate is a MYTH, especially when dealing with a POLITICIAN. Politicians are by DEFINITION, compromisers and LIARS. They will SAY anything they need to say to get elected, and if you bring up a voting record that runs contrary to their rhetoric, they will either make an excuse for that vote, or claim to have "changed" since it was taken. We cannot know a man's mind or heart. We can only know his HISTORY, which has a NASTY way of repeating when we stop paying ATTENTION to it. That said, ANY of the republican field, and YES, I said ANY, would be an improvement over the current "Apologist and THIEF" if we want America to continue to remain a sovereign and FIRST world nation. If you value your freedoms, including the right to speak your mind, the right to own a gun, the right to grow tomatoes in your own back yard, etc., then you MUST vote AGAINST the Communi-Crats in November. If you do NOT, you may as well vote FOR them. Even if we screw up and elect another globalist who thinks we can bomb anyone at anytime, that person can be IMPEACHED and REMOVED if we get the CONGRESS back, but picking the wrong presidential candidate can put THAT at risk as well. A candidate with high NEGATIVES can turn off the moderate and independent voters and send them scurrying back to the Democrats which affects OTHER races down the ticket. America is a CENTER right country, not a HARD right country. That's the mistake the hard LEFT made in 2008. We cannot AFFORD to make it again.
One final thought here, as in the English Reformation, the rhetoric was heated and vicious and led to beatings, lynchings, burnings, or other forms of atrocities. Let's dial back the rhetoric, especially on OUR side. Leave the HATE to the LEFT. Let THEM engage in "reductio ab adsurdem" with their overuse of RACISM against anyone who disagrees with them. We are NOT them and THAT needs to stand out in clear contrast to the rhetoric being spewed by the left and their media puppets. If we run around like Howard Beale, ranting and raving about how MAD we are, that's the caricature that they will stick to us with SUPER glue. It's already being applied to ONE of our candidates. If we can't' build up our candidate without tearing someone ELSE'S down, then we must NOT have MUCH of a candidate. And even if we don't, come November, the choices come down to "Winkum, Blinkum, or Nod" on OUR side; and, NERO on the OTHER. Nero believed Rome had become too crowded and unsanitary by the time he became Emperor, so he decided it wouldn't be the worst thing if it burned away. History doesn't show that he SET the fire, but history DOES show that when it was finally out, he built a HUGE palace over the ruins of MANY people's homes and shops. And if we truly ARE a Christian nation, we DEFINITELY don't want to become a MARTYRED one.
These are the choices facing our country, and we may only have this ONE last chance to get it right. If we are to remain the United States of America and not the United Socialist States of AmerKa, or just a STATE in the United NATIONS, we cannot AFFORD to get this one WRONG. When it's all said and done, the primary elections are for voting your CONSCIENCE, but if the guy you LIKE can't WIN, it's not going to matter in the general election and its aftermath. As we've seen all too CLEARLY of late, elections have CONSEQUENCES, and if you want an Imperial President who rules by regulatory FIAT, then vote Democrat. If you want a REPRESENTATIVE government instead of an IMPERIAL one, vote REPUBLICAN. Rule of LAW must be restored, because rule of MAN is KILLING us. We on the right may very well need a NEW party and relegate the GOP to the scrap heap of history like the WHIG party it replaced, but that's an issue for NEXT time. In THIS election, we're trying to SAVE our country. If we fail to do THAT, the REST is moot. 2012 is not just an ELECTION, it's a federal government RESTRAINING order.
Monday, January 30, 2012
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