Saturday, July 23, 2011

Closing Arguments: Schaddenfreude, Reality TV, and No JUSTICE for Caylee Anthony

It's FINALLY over!  Both sides have been heard, the jury has decided, and Casey Anthony is a FREE woman forced into hiding to work out her demons, sort through offers, and plan the rest of her life which is once more her OWN.  But is she really FREE?  Can she go out for a cappuccino at Starbucks?  Can she shop for a new dress at the local mall?  Can she go into a public hair salon and get her hair styled?  In theory, she can, but in REALITY she would be risking her LIFE.  There is a very real and palatable HATRED of this woman the seeing her in public would likely generate and "Ox Bow Incident" mentality and end with her either being torn limb from limb, or at the very LEAST, lynched or beaten to death.   Sadly it was that way LONG before the jury made it's ruling, which is why this woman has spent most of her pre-trial incarceration in ISOLATION.  It was feared by the Sheriff's department (and RIGHTLY so) that she would not have survived in general population, especially since most of the women incarcerated with her were themselves MOTHERS or just women who had already concluded, like MOST of America, that she was  a child murderer long before the first piece of REAL evidence had been introduced.

Why do so many people HATE Casey Anthony?  It's only natural to want a guilty person to pay for his or her crime, but do we HATE everyone that's accused of murder in this country?  I hope not because there are so many, we wouldn't have time for anything else, nor would likely live very long as HATRED is a very self destructive thing to carry around.  It's physically, physiologically, and psychologically harmful to its host. Hatred is also highly irrational, esp when it's directed against a veritable STRANGER.  It is usually NOT organic in nature, but a result of external stimuli.  Germans didn't HATE Jews instinctively.  They were PROGRAMMED to do so by propaganda from the Nazis.  Anti-semitism results in PREJUDICE, bot not HATRED on it's own.  To get to HATRED, you need provocation and that usually comes from  media saturation.

That's what  has been driving this ENTIRE case.  Absent the media saturation, no one would know the names Caylee or Casey Anthony outside of the people who knew them on a personal basis before they achieved "realty TV star" stature and notoriety.  Had either Caylee or Casey not been so physically attractive, the story would have remained a blip in the local Orlando news and been long since forgotten.  So it's the MEDIA that jammed this story down our throats from day one.  It;s media pundits and commentators that have driven this story, and in a fashion reminiscent of Jean Paul Marat's "Friend of the People" tabloid newspaper, ginned up the lynch mob mentality that sent thousands to the guillotine in an orgy of blood lust during the french revolution.   Marat and Nancy Grace know how to gin up a lynch mob.  Who can forget  the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case, or the total FICTION that was CALLED a rape case?  When emotion drives the bus, the logical and rational "rules of the road" go right out the window, and that is EXACTLY what happened in this case.  But where did the emotion come from and why did it get so intense?

At the heart of everything is a cherubic little two year old toddler named Caylee Marie Anthony.  Who  Gould see that little girl's pictures or videos and not just MELT?  You would have to be INHUMAN to not feel sadness at the thought of that little girl being taken from her family by person or persons unknown; and lest we forget, that is how  this case started.  When her picture first popped up the cable news program as a missing person, my first thought was that she had been abducted by a child  sex trafficker and, even after media pundits and legal analysts starting baying for her mother's blood, I maintained that the EVIDENCE supported that conclusion far more convincingly than it supported the premise that Caylee had been murdered, let alone that her own MOTHER was responsible for it.  It was far more likely that Caylee had been abducted using a long can paradigm that had led THOUSANDS of young women into white slavery, the disappearing modelling agency.  If your target was a CHILD however, the modelling agency wouldn't work, as a mother would tend to REMAIN with her child during the photo sessions.  Far more likely would be a NANNY or daycare scenario, as a mother would be more likely to leave a child there for a prolonged period of time, usually to go to work.

Whenever I argued or defended  this theory, I was ridiculed and attacked by people who had already made up their minds that Caylee was dead and Casey had killed her.  I was called a  dreamer, of thinking like a LAWYER (a pejorative in MY vocabulary) or of being interested in Casey or attracted to her, etc by people who ordinarily were liberal in their thinking and therefore open to possibilities outside the obvious, or at least imbued with the perception of having OPEN minds.  Not in this case, however.  With the EXCEPTION of a few lawyers who practiced criminal or defense law, nearly everyone I talked to regarding this case had concluded the worst and condemned Casey Anthony before there was even the slightest evidence that Caylee was anything but a missing person.  

How then did a local missing persons case get to be a national media event with the appeal of a network produced reality television show?  The simple answer is that it was turned into one by the 24-7 news media and non stop barrage of legal and media pundits and commentators that first created, then FED the addition to all things ANTHONY, much like the average heroin pusher will first create the dependence and then provide the supply of his TOXIC product.  The "reality" in modern America is that it's sometimes difficult, if not IMPOSSIBLE do discern the difference between real life and reality TV.  Some people used to believe anything they saw on TV.  However, since the advent of "reality TV" it's soemtimes hard to tell what's "real" and what's "contrived" to LOOK real.  Just as shows like "Survior" and "Jersey Shore" create "stars" of people who are talentless and mediocre at BEST, so too does a non stop media spotlight create another kind of "star" when it overdoses the public on a criminal defendant (ESPECIALLY and attractive one) like Scott Peterson (who to this DAY still gets love letters and marriage proposals even though he's been CONVICTED or murdering his wife and unborn child) and Casey Anthony, who's now free to PROFIT from being free to sell HER story to a publisher, go on media interviews for pay, and may even end up on a reality TV show, or the cover of HUSTLER.  She, too has recived money from her legions of horny males fans, and  a few marriage proposals as well.  That would NOT happen if she were netiher HOT< nor prospectively looking at getting RICH.  

Some of the hatred directed at Casey Anthony comes from the standard green eyed monster, JEALOUSY.  Women are jealous of her because she's young, attractive, soon to be RICH, and will have her pick of men, including (in thir irrational minds and their husband's wildest fantasies) THEIR husbands.  If you could treat the average couple on a couch watching Casey Anthony on the news like a comic strip and put a though bubble over their heads, you would see something like "She's HOT. I wouldn't kick HER out of bed for eating crackers) over the MAN'S head, and probably something like "BITCH.  I wanna scratch her eyes out" over the WOMAN'S head.  To be fair to the women, some of the hatred comes from the fact that these women are themselves MOTHERS and have natural maternal instincts when it comes to the welfare of children.  Like Sarah Palin and her "mama Grizzlies" implies, women WILL protect their children and attack anyone who tries to harm them.  The protective instinct is not limited to their OWN children, either.  However, these dame women, more likely than not, know EXACTLY what the man next to them is REALLY yhinking as he stares at Casey Anthony, so they HATE her for THAT.

The other explanation for both the popularity of the Anthony case, and the anger over the verdict is the psychological phenomenon of "schaddenfreude."  The term comes from the two german words meaning "damage" and "joy" and more simply put, it means that one takes pleasure in the suffering of another, esp another who ordinarily would have it much better than the person enjohing their suffering.  In one of my favorite episodes of the series "Boston Legal", Betty White uttered the line that describes it best.  She said "It's FUN to see PRETTY people fall."  She was referring to Heather Locker's character being on trial for murdering her older and richer husband.  That line has a missing subtext, however.  It should read: "It's FUN f (for UGLY people) to see PRETTY people fall."  It can also apply to the scenario in which it would be fun for POOR people to see RICHER people suffer.  That mentalilty gas us Madame DeFarge and the French Revolution!  But the conflict between the pretty people and the less than pretty people can be found everywhere as well.  Think of the passions aroused against Lindsay Lohan, and Paris Hilton when THEY were facing jail.  It's the exact same thing with Casey Anthony.

If you look at the "angry mobs" outside the Orange County Courthouse and jail, you don't see many lookers in that crowd.  That may have something to do with the fact that a face contorted in anger is rarely an attractive one, but even putting THAT aside, most of the people baying Casey's blood are much more like the "hound" than the "fox."  This is not to say that everyone protesting outside the courthouse is only mad befcause they're jealous of Casey being young, HOT< and likely to make major bank, there are also MOTHERS and FATHERS out there as well as looks have nothing to do with THEIR anger and frustration at what they perceive is a system that failed to deliver JUSTICE for Caylee Marie Anthony and nay do the same for THEIR child some day,  Regardless of the driver, it's the EMOTION that's in charge of these people.

Any average person has to believe that Casey Anthony had something to do with what happened to Caylee Anthony.  She was the last person seen with her, she had motive, means, and opportunity, and there was a LOT of circumstantial evidence that could lead one to conclude she's involved.  But it's a far crown from being INVOLVED, to being a cold blooded murderer who actred with malice and deliberation.  Those are LEGAL standards, but such circumnstantial cases have sent many men and women to death rows who were later proved INNOCENT by advances in forensic technology such as DNA.  There was none of that here, but the ABSENCE of it ahs to give one pause and create doubt, and by legal standard, that "doubt" MUST innure to the benefit of the Defendant, like her or not.  Do I believe Casey is blameless in this case, not on your life.  But suspecting is a lot different form having it proven to the legal standard.  Like Johnny Cochran once said, "If the gove don't FIT, you MUST acquit."  In a jury trial, only TWELVE opinions matter, and OURS are NOT among them.

Looking at the facts presented from a DISPASSIONATE prospective, which iis what JURORS have to do, There is no way to overcome the presumption of innocence beyond a "reasonable" doubt  Courts exist to apply to LAW, and the legal standard for convinction is that the state must prove the DEFENDANT committed the crime charged "beyond a REASONABLE doubt."  The sticking point in many people's craws is that word "reasonable" which makes since, since it's a SUBJECTIVE standard.   To Adolph Hit;er. Josef Stalin, and Bill Ayers, GENOCIDE was "reasonable."  To a liberal, NOTHING is reasonable because they are driven purely by EMOTION which negates logic and reason,.  Either way, the only way to conclude the Casey Anthony wilfully MURDERED her child based on the evidence presented would be to let anger and hatred overrule logic and reason: and, fortunately for all FUTURE criminal defendants (of which ant of US can be one some day) that did NOT happen here.  LAW is the result of the thoughts and actions of MEN, and as such it is NOT prefect.  JUSTICE is the purvue of "god" or a "higher power" and is best left to him (or HER);

As for Casey Anthony, what SHE deserves at this time is to relegated back to ANONYMITY.  She should be devoutly IGNORED.  Do NOT buy her books, do NOT watch her on television or listen to any interview, close your wallets to anything Anthony, and justice will prevail because the only woman can PROFIT by her act or omission is iw WE buy anything form her.  If WE stand firm and turn her off, tune her out, and shut her down, she will be punished far greater by Universal Justice than anything the State of Florida could have done to her.  She's now a media junkie.  She CRAVES attention, positive OR negative, and she has to have it.  She's an attention junkie, and the best thing we can do is cut her off cold turkey.  Let her return to a life of anonymity and a the only career for which she's qualified, the STRIPPER POLE.  That  outcome would FINALLY deliver JUSTICE, even if it IS only POETIC,  for Caylee Anthony.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Journalism MALPRACTICE: "Liberals" Behaving BADLY!

A few SHORT months ago, following the tragic shootings in Tucson in which a Federal District Court Judge and others were killed, and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was wounded, every Democratic Party power player and every liberal media pundit made teary eyed and impassioned PLEAS for civility and a decried the need for  a "new tone" in political discourse.  This was due in large part to the fact that they blamed the TEA party for the shooting, despite the fact that it was a LEFT wing loon that actually pulled the TRIGGER.  They made a similar erroneous conclusion when ANOTHER left wing lunatic flew his plane into a building housing offices of the Internal Revenue Service.  When did they stop hiring FACT checkers in the media, and if they DO still have them, they seem to be performing at the level of sleeping air trafic controllers these days.  So, why haven't they been FIRED?  Aah, they must be UNION so they CAN'T be fired for anything less than a CAPITAL crime and not without an act of Congress or the bureaucratic equivalent thereof.

After months of media diatribes about the need for "cilivilty" in our political discourse, the newly elected Republican Governor of Wilsconsin, the Hon. Scott Walker, attempted to carry out his mandate to reign in runaway government spending in his state which necessistated curbing the power and influence of public sector unions, and the ensuing protests commence and take on a tone of rheorc reminiscent of the WORST of the Viet Nam era protests.  UNION goons harasss and even THREATEN state politicians and their supporters, trash and vandalize public property and the media is suddenly nowhere to be found.  One Wisconsin TEACHER even went to far as to communicate TERRORISTIC DEATH THREATS to the republican politicians and again NOTHING from the press, or the LAW ENFORCEMENT community for that matter.

On Tax Day when TEA party members and supporters held rallies calling for less government intrusion into our lives and less government SPENDING, they were harassed and harrangued by UNION goons.  While the MEDIA has never waivered in its' attempts to paint peaceful TEA party members as out of control crazy people, they consistently FAIL to report the FACT that it's the leftist UNION goons that are REALLY the out of control crazy people.  If you compare the two sides OBJECTIVELY, it's the LEFTIST protestors that get arrested for disorderly conduct, vandalism, assault, etc.  Not ONE Tea party member has ever been ACCUSED, let along CONVICTED for such behavior.  If you look at the TEA Party Rally held in Washington DC, the grounds were left clean and litter free at the conclusion of the events, and no publci property was destroyed.  Conversely, when the LEFT held THEIR rally, the City of Washington DC had to spend THOUSANDS on clean up, and police had made numerous arrests and issued even more summonses and citations for disorderly conduct.   Last but not LEAST, several SEIU members were arrested for disorderly conduct and criminal trespass when they attempted to barge into the office of a state official in Seattle, and not one WORD of this appeared in the PRESS.

So, why isn't the "journalists" doing their JOBS?  If you ask THEM, they ARE, and they are working harder than ever to keep pace with fast breaking news in a twenty-four/seven news cycle.  If that's true and they ARE doing their jobs, they're doing them about as effectively as a sleeping air traffic controller, unless THEY have a different understanding of what their job IS than WE do.  I never aspired to be a professional journalist, but I DID take a journalism ELECTIVE in college and in that course I was taught that the job of a journalist was the objective dissemination of INFORMATION.  To the PROFESSIONAL journlaist, however, the job is more one of "shaping public opinon"  which they do by editing the story and deciding what information the public should and should NOT receive.  They think of us in the same way Jack Nicholson's character in "A Few Good Men" thought of Tom Cruise's character, namely that we can't "handle the truth."

The REALITY if not that we can't HANDLE it, but that if we were TOLD the TRUTH, we might come to the conclusion that the things the journalists and liberals in general support are not GOOD for this country and that's what they can't abide.  They can't accept the FACT that America was at it's best BEFORE we became a progressively dominated "nanny state." Most people who live their lives in the progressively and marxist dominated professions will NEVER understand that big government is not the solution to our problems,  but rather that it's the SOURCE of most of them. The best way to explain this view on the part of those who are of the progressive mindset is with this quote by  Dresden James, who said: ‎"When a well-packed web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." That is why no liberal will EVER be able to relate to the average tea party member, or any small business owner.  And WHO is that has been the most ardent SELLERS of the "well packed web of lies" that government FORCE and not individual initiative and personal responsibility, is the best path to prosperity.  The two biggest "pushers" of the marxist DRUG are TEACHERS and JOURNALISTS.  

In the case of TEACHERS they were first the addicts (victims of OTHER liberal educators who instilled in them a sense of victimization and need for social "justice" delivered by government) and now they are PUSHERS perpetuating a vicious cycle that's gone on for GENERATIONS now and results in students who can't read or write, but know that gay penguins are good and dodgeball is BAD.  In the case of journalists, the same paradigm applies, but it is augmented and amplified because every "professional journalist" was trained in the Walter Lippmann model of journalism, aka PROPAGANDA.  

Walter Lippmann was part of Woodrow Wilson's propaganda trio that included Edward Bernays and George Creel.  These three were Wilson's allies in "persuading" the American oublic that we "needed" to be involved in World War I.  Wilson's motivation for wanting us to get into this conflict was very simple.  He saw it as the perfect way to bring out his "League of Nations" the precursor to the United Nations.  Of course, trying to persuade the average American that his or her SON should risk DEATH for this lofty and imperious goal was gonna take a different method of "persuasion" which is where hs trio of propagandists come into play.  In his book "The Phantom Public" Lippmann wrote "The hypothesis which seems to me the most fertile are that NEWS and the TRUTH are NOT the same thing and must be CLEARLY distinguished (emphasis added)."  He goes on to say: "the function of news is to signalize an event. The function of TRUTH is to bring to light the HIDDEN facts, to set them into relation with each other, and to make a picture of reality on which can ACT"  In other words, namely MINE, the "journalist" is, in FACT, a puppet master, NOT an honest broker of information.  Is it any surprise then that the most infamous propagandist of them all, Dr. Josef Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of PROPAGANDA, read this BOOK.

Walter Lippmann is often hailed as the "Father of MODERN journalism" especially by students of the Columbia University School of Journalism where he is practically a DEITY. Columbia University has been the "mother ship" of American Communism (which is what many of the so-called liberals REALLY are) ever since the Nazis drove the Frankfurt Institute communists out of Germany and onto the faculty of Columbia University. So is it any wonder that students at THAT school of journallism would embrace PROPAGANDA as a means to their desired goals? In point of fact, the modern censorship and thought control phenomenon known as "political correctness ALSO originated at Columbia University, and was the product of Dr. Herbert Markusa and his colleagues, part of the aforementioned Frankfurt Institute Communists expatriated from Germany by the Nazis.  Put marxists who worship at the alter of "political correctness" and "propaganda" together, and you have today's "Journalists."   

The most "liberal" professions in the fabric of mdoern American society are the legal profession, the teaching profession, and the journalism profession.  So, when teachers "misbehave" for political reasons, it stands to reason that their fellow liberals in the journalism profession would IGNORE of downplay  that behavior so that the FACTS don't get in the way of the NARRATIVE they're trying to sell us.  Teachers get a pass for bad political behavior, but they're front page news if they have SEX with a student.  Criminal and terroristic death threats to opposing party policians-NOT news, but consensual sex with horny student-front page NEWS.  It's all, quite simply, LIBERALS behaving BADLY!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Baby Boomers, Our "WORST" Generation!

"What's the matter with kids today?" is the title of a song from the musical "Bye, Bye Birdie" pretty much sums up everything I'm about to say about the generation that gave us hippies, "Hanoi Jane" Fonda, the "Easy Rider," Woodstock, and free lovin''. I'm referring of course to the "Baby Boomer" generation, those children born in the late 1940's following the end of World War II. This generation owes it's size and everything else to the fact that there were a lot of "hookups" happening when "Johnny came marching home" from the European and Pacific theaters. These actions had consequences,  and in keeping with the morality of the day, these men and women got MARRIED and actually RAISED the children they had conceived during their drunken "hook-ups."  Lucky for the BOOMER Generation, there WERE no Planned Parenthood abortion mills or free clinics around the corner to keep THEM from being born.

So how is it possible that the generation that survived the Great Depression and then fought and defeated the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan, came back home and led this country to one of the greatest periods of prosperity and growth the word has ever seen, produce a generation that in less than fifty years time would singlehandedly undo everything their parents and grandparents had done for them? Sadly, a significant portion of the blame rests wtih the Greatest Generation, themselves. They were so determined that their children should know none of the hardship and adversity that marred their younger lives that they were over-indulgent and over protective of their children to the extent that they literally spoiled them ROTTEN.

The GREATEST generation had grown up in a country that was in the grip of the Great Depression for mos of their lives.  They had their CHARACTER forged in the blood and iron of World War II.  They had know real hardships, deprivation, and seen all manner of human suffering and they were determined that their CHILDREN would not know such things if they could help it.  This goal was made possible by the economc boom that followed the finish of both the WAR, and the economic policies of Frankin D. Roosevelt wnen a President with good old fashined COMMON SENSE took the office and proceeded to dismantle the maze of alphbet soup buracracies put in place during the New (or was it RAW)  Deal.  Truman understood that it was in fact these very policies that were responsbile for the United States being the ONLY country int he WORLD to have a GREAT Deperession, which  had only ABATED during the war and reared its' ugly head once more when Johnny came marching HOME again and tried to a find a JOB that did NOT include catching bullets as part of its' enumeration of duties.

Thanks to the economic boom that Truman enabled, the children of the BOOMER generation were the first to grow up if not actually IN the LAP of luxury, they were in pretty closee proximity to it.  It was THIS generation that was the first to expect new cloethes at the beginning of EVERY school year, catered birthday parties (complete with clown or magician), a backyard swimming pool, air conditioning, television, and the possibility of getting handed the keys to a new or late model used  car upon reaching their seixteenth birthday and obtaining their driver's license.  This was ALSO the first generation for whom the possibilty of a university education was more than a remote one.  Sadly, many of the boomers did go to college wehre they ran smack into the waiting arms of communist ideologues tthat had been infiltrating the faculties of these colleges and universities since the early part of tghe twentieth century, when Americans learned the extent of the atrocities perpetrated by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution and Communism become the anathema to Americans that it did and SHOULD have REMAINED!

Imagine the pride shining in the eyes of parents of the GREATEST generation as they packed their wholesome, fresh faced, corn fed progreny off to college to become Doctors, or engineers, or even LAWYERS (which were still REPECTED in those days). These children would have opportunities the parents never even DREAMED of.  Conversely, imaagine their HORROR when, a few short months LATER, they opened their door to find a greasy, long-haired, unhygenic, drug addled HIPPIE standing  where there son had been, or if it's a daughter, add PREGNANT to the description, the father being one of her philosophy professors.  Now imagine, that you've reovered from your initilal shock,  only to find out over dinner that the child that had revered you as his HERO and wanted to be just like you, now referred to you as a "capitalist PIG" or "the MAN" or "the ESTABLISHMENT" or  a  "Bourgoisee criminal" and vowing to bring your entire way of life down around your ears.  These were scenes that played out in American households all throughout the SIXTIES and SEVENTIES.

To be fair, not EVERY member of the boomer generation turned into a HIPPIE.  Indeed, many of them, thanks to a strong  Christian family upbringing, were able to resist the lure of marxism and the temptations of hedonism.  It was for this reason that more extreme marxists like Bill Ayers opined that students needed to be radicalized at an earlier age, prompting many commynist thinkers and sympathizers to become teachers themselves and enter the elementary and secondary schools to being indoctrinating children that were less mature and less experienced.  For these reasons, they were less likely to oppose the ideas being forced upon them by teachers more interested in creating future communistis than in actually TEACHING children to do anything productive, like READ.   But that's a topic for a while different essay.

If there is a simple way to distill the real legacy of the boomers into something that will fit in a Twitter post, it would be that this generation destroyed the American concepts of  personal responsibility, and the FAMILY. If you think about it logically, thanks to boomers actions no long have CONSEQUENCES, at leastt not PERSONAL ones, in theory at least.

Think about it this way. If you're sexually irresponsible, they created a pill to spare you those consequnces, and they'll give out condoms as well as teach you how to do things in school. if you STILL manage to and get KNOCKED up, they made it legal to murder the baby so it doesn't become a burden to you, and they'll even help you get around telling your PARENTS.   If you opt to HAVE the child, you're eligible for all manner of free stuff from the federal and state government including unearned income tax cfedit, welfare, subsidized housing, food stamps, medicaid, etc.  You've hit the JACKPOT.

Likewise, If you rack up debt you can't pay, no problem. They pass a law and suddenly you're FREE and CLEAR.  If you take crazy risks run a business into the ground, no problem. Either the GOVENRMENT can bail you out, or you can go bankrupt, and as long as you  haven't committed a criminal act (like a Madoff style Ponzii scheme) , your house, car, Rolex, and bank accounts are safe.  Too bad the same CAN'T be said for your shareholders.  This explains to conduct of Wall Street, Counbtrywide Morrgage, and FANNIE  MAE and FREDDIE MAC in causing the recent housing and stock market MELTDOWN,  but why it is that only Bernie Madoff lost everything and wen tto PRISON?  Why is Angelo Mozilla still strutting aroudn free an dliving in his placial estate?

IN a different way of illustrating lack of personal responsibility, if a government wants to invade your privacy but that pesky FOURTH Amendment keeps getting in the way, no problem again. We'll just pass a PATRIOT Act, and suddenly, they can LEGALLY come into your home, business, bank account, mailbox or wahever whenever they  please, and WITHOUT your knowledge, let alone CONSENT.  The whole BOOMER generation thinks they can LEGISLATE anything, and that their drones in the LEGAL system and Judiciary will give them cover.  Sadly, they seem to have been RIGHT in that assessment for the most part. Progressive or liberal activist judges have legalized CRIMINAL behavior msny times over.

Why do you think good little commies become either LAWYERS or Community Organizers? It's to FORCE legislation, or write law via the BENCH that they can't get through the ballot box such as ABORTION!  No elected legislator ever passed a law legalizing abortion.  That was done by the COURTS.  Since the landmark and totally UNCONSITUTIONAL "Roe v. Wade" case, however, MANY legislators have voted to spend taxpayer dollars subsidizing the abortion INDUSTRY via Planned Parenthood, and now through Obama Care!   Since the boomers entered colleges, more generation of Americans are becoming Teachers, lawyers, or community organizers than any other career fields.  Wouldn't it nice if you could find a DOCTOR when you need one?  Wouldn't it be even NICER to find MEN who know how to DO more than talk or type?

The BOOMERS have been on the political, social, and economic scene for nearly FIFTY years now, and in their wake is a country that went from a moral nation and an eoconomic and military superpower that produced the finest goods in the world and had a rock solid economy, to a national riddled with debt, social problems, economic misery, devalued currency and eroding freedoms.  To see how  much we've lost form what THEY inherited, you have only to watch old movies, find old newspapers on microfilm at your local library, watch reruns of "Happy Days" or even the more current show "Mad Men."  I think one of the reasons for the popularity of THAT show, it that it reminds of the time in our history when it was really GOOD to be an AMERICAN!   Clearly we've lost a LOT during the stewardship of the BOOMERS, and like the ripple effect created in a pond when you toss a rock in th ecenter, this generation has INFECTED every successive one in greater and greater numbers.

So, the next time you see an aged hippie boomer rolling down the road on his power scooter and you're sorely temptedto exact a little "poetic justice" by pushing it over on top of him, think again.  The mantra of the boomers was "if if feels good, DO it" and though it may FEEL great to knock that old hippie over on his ass and crush him under his own scooter, don't DO it.  In that way, you're REJECTING his entire philosophy of life, and only by doing THAT can we hope to being to clean up the MESS left to us by our WORST generation and restore this country to it's natural state of FREEDOM and PROSPERITY!