You MIGHT be a PATRIOT if:
1. You can say the Pledge of Allegiance with pride swelling your chest instead of a queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach and the inate desire to remove the words "under God" from the last part of the final statement.
2. You believe that the FAMILY is the best environment for raising children, not the collective public schools, and that it is the FAMILY that should provide children with a moral, spiritual, and political foundation, not the SCHOOL and certainly not any individual TEACHER.
3. You think the United States Constitution should be READ and not read INTO by those office holders who have sworn the oath to support, protect, and DEFEND that said Constitution, not obliterate it with a series of laws designed solely to achieve or maintain their own political power and prestige.
4. You believe that man's rights come from GOD and Natures and not from any elected legislature, and further that that rights of life, liberty and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS do not include a guarantee that one will BE happy, nor can any GOVERNMENT guarantee one's happiness by the passing of any law.
5. You believe that ones elected legislators are elected to REPRESENT their constituents not to RULE over them, and that a formal education, while necessary in preparing one for certain career pursuits, in no way renders one more intelligent or more entitled to power than one not so formally educated.
6. You believe that the right to vote is sacrosanct and should only be exercised by LIVING, BREATHING American citizens, properly IDENITIFIED as such.
7. You believe that the words "career" and "politician" should never rest together in the same sentence and be used to describe any one man or woman in his or her lifetime. Politicians should be more in the vein of the ancient Roman Cincinnatus, not CAESAR or for a more contemporary example, George Washington who not ONCE, but TWICE voluntarily relinquished power when he could have had absolute power for LIFE, nor Franklin Roosevelt who thought he should be President for LIFE, prompting our elected officials to pass a constitutional amendment ensuring there would be no more such ambitions realized in this country.
8. You believe in American exceptionalism and the power of the individual, and believe that we are citizens of the United States of America, NOT citizens of the WORLD at large.
9. You believe that the individual citizen cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without DUE PROCESS OF LAW, which means following the LAW, not DOING whatever the heck the government wants under COLOR of law.
10. You believe that your freedoms are rights are worth fighting to preserve AT ALL COSTS because like Patrick Henry and our forefathers, we are resolved to live and DIE as free men rather than to submit to slavery and tyranny, even from our OWN GOVERNMENT!