Friday, June 4, 2010

An Open Letter to All Celebutards!!!

Dear Celebutards: (And you KNOW who you are)

Have any of you ever heard the phrase "biting off the hand that's feeding you?" Well, that is exactly what you're doing when you consistently attack this country's free market capital economy, for it is only THAT economy that makes your pampered, privileged, and overindulgent lifestyles possible. At the risk of breaching that dreaded "separation of church and state" you have been endowed by your creator with a gift. Whether that gift is a talent, athletic ability, the ability to string words together, or even just the vicissitude of good genes that makes you look good in jeans or a bikini, that "gift" together with some action on your part, enables you to live the lifetstyle and have the fame and adulation you now enjoy. It is that adulation that enables you to command attention when you speak. Sadly, most people don't actually LISTEN when you speak because they are too busy either mentally undressing you, or wishing that they WERE you to hear what you're saying. That enraptured state means that whatever you say will permeate the brains of your fans without any critical thinking intervention on their part so they will parrot what you say as if it were some kind of gospel.

To quote one of your own, the great Stan Lee, "with great power comes great responsibility" In case you don't recognize it, that was the sage Uncle Ben to the young Peter Parker, aka Spiderman. I realize that many of you did not ASK to be role models, and that you would probably rather NOT have gaggles of teenaged boys and girls aping your every move and hanging on your every word. In a perfect world that would not happen, but in THIS one, alas, it DOES. In a PERFECT world your drug and booze fueled exploits wouldn't get found the clock attention from tabloid press and the networks whose sole reason for existence is to expose us to what you do when you're not doing your so-called JOBS, bur without the Lindsey Lohan's of the world, where would the tabloids, the paparazzi, and shows like Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, or the entire E network be? But, because of the aforementioned entities, things you do and say are exposed to young and old alike so for God's sake please THINK before you speak.

Then there are the real hypocrites, like Michael Moore and Al Gore, who reap for themselves the benefits of free market capitalism while advocating for a form of governance that will effectively deny those same benefits to those who come after them. Michael Moore is the worst for he KNOWS that if he achieves the world he claims to want, he will have no place in it. It is only through free market capitalism and free enterprise that he enjoys the lifestyle and menu choices that he has clearly enjoyed with great relish. Hypocrites like these who talk the talk, but don't walk the walk make me ill. Though I totally disagree with the "greenies" like Leonardo DiCaprio, Ed Begley, Jr, Darryl Hannah, Matthew Modine, etc. I can at least respect them because unlike Moore and Gore, they PRACTICE what they preach. But Leo, you can only drive that Tessla sportscar and live in that green condo because people are willing to invest their hard-earnred GREEN so the studios can make your movies and people can buy tickets to SEE those movies. Again, I applaud you for your commitment to the environment, but remember that not everyone can AFFORD to do what you do. Same with Brad and Angie and all the other celebs that have helped out in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and again in Haiti. I applaud your generosity and your selflessness. But again remember that you could only DO those things because of the free market and capitalism.

The reason I chose the Sean Penn/Harvey Milk caricature as the illustration for this essay was that he and others in hollywood LIKE him bring to mind the old commercial that starts out with a soap opera actor saying "I'm not a Doctor, but I play one on TV" and then proceeds to advise us to buy some over the counter antacid.  What does he know?  He flat out said he's NOT a Doctor. At least that commercial was honest enough to give you a disclaimer so you could take the "doctor's" advice for what it was worth.  Sadly, actors like Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Natalie Potman, etc. do NOT give you that disclaimer before they proceed to give political advice or speeches but c'mon, this is Jeff Spicoli we're talkin' about.  Just cuz he's PLAYED politicians doesn't he he KNOWS politics.  In fact he and his ilk are so far removed from the real world consequences of politics they have no business EVER getting involved in them, but thanks to Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack and their involvement the Kennedy campaign, there's been an unholy alliance between the fantasy merchants of Hollywood, and the political fantasies of Washington, DC.  Problem is that WE in the REAL world have to LIVE with those politics, Hollywood is, for the most part, insulated by layers of wealth and privilege and therefore do NOT experience the horrors they inflict on us by virtue of helping elect "Stuart Smalley" to the United States Senate.

It's not at all surprising to me that more and more celebrity types seem to embrace the "total government" concept of Marxism.  If they're under the age of 40 and attended public school, they've been indoctrinated by left leaning teachers and school administrators since pre-school.  If they went on to attend college, as many actors and athletes did, the indoctrination went into overdrive.  If they never got out of the protected bubble envicornment of academia and into the REAL world prior to achieving their "celebrity" status, they've never had a chance to learn the way th world REALLY works for themselves.  I had the same public school education.indoctrination and also attended a very liberal univeristy, but it was my military service and business entrepreneurial  adventures that taught me (the HARD way) that everything I had been taught to believe in was a crock of SAND.  Today's youg people are having the same realizations I did, but sadly, thanks to liberal thinking a social experimentation, the lack the coping mechanisms to deal with their disappointments.  This is the reason for the phenomenon known as the "quarter life crisis."  In Hollywood, it's what happens when a child star can't make the transition to adult actor cuz he's no longer the cherubic cutie pie he was when he was six.  In sports, it's when an athlete peaks in high school or college and never quite makes it to the big game.  In business, it's when you realize there's no such thing as a participation triphy, and that if you mess up, you don't see a purple pen mark, you grt a PINK SLIP!  If you've never been allowed to fail before, how can you be expected to handle a failure in later life?

The older hollywood liberal/radical types like Sean Penn are the product of indoctrination both in schools, and in their day to day acting experiences.  They were first the protegees of actors from the Boomer generation, many of whom were the drug addled hippies of Woodstock, and they've become drug and alcohol addled themselves.  Add to that a steady diet of memorizing lines written by writers who are (for the most part) to the left of Nikiti Sruschev going back to the days of the early twentieth century when Communism and Progressivism were hip, slick, and cool and attracted the likes of playwright Eugene O'Neil and Hollywood Ten writer, Ring Landner, Jr. and you can see how the post boomers come to think as they do.  As many actors become producers, again due to the beuefit of free market capitalism, the cycle is perpetuated from mentors to protegees.  Notwithstanding all the foregoing, Hollywood is a BIG Union controlled town, and all know where UNIONS come from.  I'm sure that most of this is new information to you, and it's an arrogant person indeed that doesn't think he or she still has much to learn in this life.   The reason the celebutards do not know these things is because they have not been permitted to LEARN them.  Our history and the true nature of what it means to be an AMERICAN has been stolen from several generations of our citizens and it is only NOW that we're starting to realize this and seeking to regain that knowledge for ourselves.

"The problem with socialism is that sooner or later, you run out of OTHER people's money."  That's a quote from the "Iron Lady"  herself, Britain's Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.  So my dear celebutard, if yiou think your lifestyle will not be affected if the government you champion gets the total control it's craving, think again.  If we are no longer a free marked capitalist economy, where will the money come from for YOU?  There will only be ONE patron left that can afford you, and that patron will be the government.  Evern wonder what it was like to be an enetertainment or sports celebrity in Nazi Germany?  Wonder what it was like for Max Schmelling to return to Gernmany and face the likes of Hermann Goering and Adolf Hitler after getting his butt beat by a black man?  I sure it was NOT a pleasant experience for him.  And I have first hand knowledge of what it was like to be a dancer in the Moscow Ballet back in the days of Leonid Brezhnev cuz I met a woman who used to be one and subsequently became the mistress of the said Leonid Breznev, a man who was about as attractive to her as a bullfrog, but who was able to give her a nicer apartnment, better clothes, jewelry, etc. until he tired of her and moved on to a younger woman.  She fell from grace almost as quickly and found herself in her middle aged years working in a factory that produced parts for tanks.  It was NOT a glorious existence.  Think it can't happen to you?  You're too young to remember the days of the studio bosses, but how about the child stars of Different Strokes?  Their fortunes were stolen out from under them and they turned to lives of prostitution, pornography and crime.  They all DIED well before their time, too.  Think it can't happen to you?  If we get a Totalitarian government that craves money, how long do you think it'll be fore it wans YOURS?  After all, when asked why he robbed banks, famed bank robber Willie Sutton replied, "cuz that's where the money is."

As a small business entrepreneur and free market capitalist, I don't begrudge you your success.  I understand that your pretty face, hot body, talent pool, ability to punt, hit, or catch a ball, are your stock in trade.  Unlike the President you so giddily supported in the last election, I don't think there ever comes a time that "You've made enough money." because I understand that as long as people are willing to buy what you sell, you're entitled to be paid.  If you likeness sells tickets, DVDs, sports drinks, cereal, sneakers, etc., you're entitled to a share in that revenue and it should only be the free market itself that places a cap upon your earnings, not a governmental entity.  I'm sure you see it the same way now that we're talking about YOUR money don't you?  But if that government you champion takes away OURS, then we won't be able to hire people so neither we nor they will be able to buy those things, or tickets to see your movies, concerts, or sporting events.  Should that happen, you won't have the millions to party with, either.  And if that government chooses to increase the taxes you pay, how many of you will keep company with Wesley Snipes in federal court trying to protect what is YOURS from a greedy, grapsing, intrusive federal government.  How long do you think it will be before that same government tells you what kind of content you can produce, or how much skin you can show, etc.  Where does it end?  The reality is, that it DOESN'T end.  Power and control only create a desire for MORE power and control.  If you think your parents and coaches are bad, try a nanny state GOVERNMENT on for size.  I've SEEN what kind of government can do, and it's not pretty.  I've walked in the ruins of the former Soviet Union and belive me, you don't want THAT here.

So, in conclusion, Dear Celebutard, SHUT UP and sing, act, dance, and hit, bounce, or kick that ball, or do whatever it is that you do to deserve your celebrity and notoriety (and believe me when I say for MANY of you, I have no CLUE what that is) secure in the knowledge that, unless we actually GET the government you champion, life will be wonderful for you.  But leave the politics to those of us who live the REAL world and do the things that make your fairytale existence possible.  If you continue to bite the hands that are feeding you, one day there might not be anyone left to do so.  Can you imagine Michael Moore on a DIET?  Unless you want to go back to waiting tables, digging ditches, or flipping burgers, be careful what you wish for because in the words of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, "that government that is big enough to give you anything you want is also strong enough to take away EVERYTHING you have."


Silence Dewgoode (GOOGLE HER)
Flyover Country,(what the glitteratti refer to as the land between Hollywood and New York or Washington, DC)  USA

Friday, February 26, 2010

The "Myth" and "Reality"of Health Care Reform

Yesterday I, like many of my fellow Americans, lost several hours of my life that I will NEVER get back watching the "Blair House Dog n' Pony" show that was the Health Care Summit. The purported idea behind the "summit" was for Republican and Democratic congressmen to engage in a free and open exchange of ideas for reforming our health care delivery system with the President and members of his administration. On the surface this is what appears to have occurred, but as we're all too well aware, appearances can be deceiving. Since this Administration and Congress took power, that seems to have become the RULE itself, not the exception it was once thought to be. What became readily apparent to me, however, was that what was happening had absolutely NOTHING to do with health care reform at all. What health care "reform" is, and has ALWAYS been, is a naked power grab by the federal government of the United States. It is the latest in a SERIES of grabs, by this government for federal control of private businesses and industries with the SOLE aim of increasing the POWER of the federal government. This is FASCISM by definition.

When the Democrats initiated healthcare "reform" their stated goal was to bring down the cost curve, to allow for portability of insurance, to eliminate the pre-existing condition exclusion, and to ensure that the however many millions of uninsured Americans there REALLY are (since the number varies in each politician's speech) could obtain affordable healthcare coverage. Then the Democratic controlled houses of Congress managed to put together and pass two bills that accomplish few if ANY of their stated goals (according to a panoply of non-political business, economic, and insurance experts), expand the size and authority of the federal government, and cost the taxpayers approximately a TRILLION dollars above and beyond the current budget.

While the public had voiced it's disapproval at the directions the Democrats were taking their legislation at Town Hall meetings and tea party rallies, the Democrats chose to ignore their constituents and press ahead. But when word of the veritable "bribery" of Senators Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson became public knowledge, voter anger exploded and the Democrats lost their veto proof super majority in the senate as Massachusetts elected Scott Brown to the Senate head long held by the late democratic Senator, Edward M. Kennedy. This turnover of a once secure seat to a republican in the very democratic state of Massachusetts, together with rising public disapproval for their legislation, and the fact that all house democrats and several prominent senators have to face re-election in less than a year put the legislation on a very shaky footing. While the separate bills had passed in their respective houses, there were substantial differences between the two bills that would make reconciliation difficult if not impossible. To many, myself included, it appeared as though the push for health care reform was effectively stalled, if not dead.

Then, out of nowhere, it's back and now the Democrats realize they are going to need republican support to get health care legislation passed. Additionally, because of the upcoming election, they WANT the political cover of having republicans on board with this legislation. To this end, they have been courting the more progressive republicans in both the Senate and House and getting nowhere. For this reason, President Obama convened the Health Care Summit at Blair House so that prominent congressional democrats and republicans could get together with him and key members of his administration to try to arrive at a workable compromise legislation that could garner true bi-partisan support. To their credit, Republican legislators showed up and presented a variety of time tested and proven free market solutions which, if implemented, would likely produce the results the democrats claim to want, and without the trillion dollar price tag or need to expand federal bureaucracy. If the Democrats really wanted to fix the system, they would take the Republican's ideas, put them in the bill, and if they worked, take credit for fixing health care in the next election and, if they didn't, blame the Republicans in the next election. All this is merely academic at this point as health care reform is only the magician's assistant. The REAL "trick" in these pieces of legislation is the creation of an American replication of Great Britain's National Health Service.

The National Health Service of Great Britain is the largest single employer on that tiny island. One out of every three working adult Britains is employed by this agency. Of these only one out of three is a medical professional such as a doctor or a nurse. The rest are paper pushing bureaucrats. If you take into account all the workers of other British governmental agencies, nearly forty-five percent of all adult workers in England work for the government and one HUNDRED percent depend on that government for health care. This creates a large and LOYAL voting constituency for the Labor party resulting in that party's veritable stranglehold on political power for the majority of the past thirty years. A great French writer by the name of Alexis De Tocqueville once stated that "Democracy will endure until the day politicians discover that they can bribe the people with public funds." That is EXACTLY what has kept the Labor party in power, and this lesson has NOT gone unheeded by our own democratic politicians.

In addition to the INTENT of the health care "reform" legislation, there is a far more dire and (I HOPE) unintended consequence that can occur if this legislation is signed into law in it's present forms. The net effect of this budgetary nightmare might very well bring to fruition the Cloward-Piven Stragety, especially when combined with the unravelling of the Ponzii schemes that the Social Security and Medicare entitlement programs have become. Thanks in no small part to the Babt Boomer's free love and unfettered abortion policies there are not enough working adults in the private sector of the economy paying into the system to keep pace with the benefits that will have to paid out, esp if no new manufacturing or other capital producing jobs are created in the next ten years. To understand what the net effect of Cloward-Piven will be, you have only to look at what happened to the former Soviet Union, and what's happening in Greece today. Thst is Cloward-Piven in ACTION.

The total economic, political, and social upheaval in this country that would result is the revolution that many progressive Baby Boomers have been dreaming about and creaming their flower appliqued bell-bottomed jeans over since they were teenagers fornicating in the mud at Woodstock. The destruction of America as it has always been, and the remaking of it as a socialist UTOPIA is and has ALWAYS been the goal of the boomer progressives, and with this one piece of legislation, they may well be able to achieve that goal and put the final nail in the coffin that was once the United States of America.What Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground could not accomplish with their bombs, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid may be able to do with their two thousand page bills.

Woith the election of Republican Scott Brown and the loss of the democrats filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, we the PEOPLE thought we had ended this very existential threat. Sadly, healthcare reform seems to have had a "Lazarus" moment and is once again alive and well. Actually, the legislation is more like Michael Myers in the "Halloween" movies and we all know that you can't kill the boogeyman. But like the boogeyman, if you don't kill this legislation now and for all time, it will rise up again and kill you and yours, fiscally speaking.

If the Democrats are allowed to succeed in this, when we go on to our great reward, or punishment, as the case may be, we may very well have to face the Founding Fathers and account for the mess we made of their once noble experiment. Remember, these guys settled their differences with canes, swords, and pistols, and we may very well deserve the thrashing we will receive at their hands for what we have allowed to happen to what THEY bequeathed us. In less than fifty years time, these elitist idiotswill have rolled back every reform of humanism since the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment. We think it no good thing that Islamic terrorists want to take us back to the Dark Ages, but in reality it's our own progressive elites that want to return us to the Dark Ages and feudal serfdom. I truly hope there is a special corner in the hottest part of hell for progressive politicians in BOTH parties for the part they have played in systematically destroying the last, best, hope for mankind and freedom in this world.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

You MIGHT be a PATRIOT If: . .

You MIGHT be a PATRIOT if:

1. You can say the Pledge of Allegiance with pride swelling your chest instead of a queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach and the inate desire to remove the words "under God" from the last part of the final statement.

2. You believe that the FAMILY is the best environment for raising children, not the collective public schools, and that it is the FAMILY that should provide children with a moral, spiritual, and political foundation, not the SCHOOL and certainly not any individual TEACHER.

3. You think the United States Constitution should be READ and not read INTO by those office holders who have sworn the oath to support, protect, and DEFEND that said Constitution, not obliterate it with a series of laws designed solely to achieve or maintain their own political power and prestige.

4. You believe that man's rights come from GOD and Natures and not from any elected legislature, and further that that rights of life, liberty and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS do not include a guarantee that one will BE happy, nor can any GOVERNMENT guarantee one's happiness by the passing of any law.

5. You believe that ones elected legislators are elected to REPRESENT their constituents not to RULE over them, and that a formal education, while necessary in preparing one for certain career pursuits, in no way renders one more intelligent or more entitled to power than one not so formally educated.

6. You believe that the right to vote is sacrosanct and should only be exercised by LIVING, BREATHING American citizens, properly IDENITIFIED as such.

7. You believe that the words "career" and "politician" should never rest together in the same sentence and be used to describe any one man or woman in his or her lifetime. Politicians should be more in the vein of the ancient Roman Cincinnatus, not CAESAR or for a more contemporary example, George Washington who not ONCE, but TWICE voluntarily relinquished power when he could have had absolute power for LIFE, nor Franklin Roosevelt who thought he should be President for LIFE, prompting our elected officials to pass a constitutional amendment ensuring there would be no more such ambitions realized in this country.

8. You believe in American exceptionalism and the power of the individual, and believe that we are citizens of the United States of America, NOT citizens of the WORLD at large.

9. You believe that the individual citizen cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without DUE PROCESS OF LAW, which means following the LAW, not DOING whatever the heck the government wants under COLOR of law.

10. You believe that your freedoms are rights are worth fighting to preserve AT ALL COSTS because like Patrick Henry and our forefathers, we are resolved to live and DIE as free men rather than to submit to slavery and tyranny, even from our OWN GOVERNMENT!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Where Have All Our JOBS Gone?

In the days of the Hippies, and the Vietnam era protests there was a song frequently sung by the protesters called "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" It was a hit for the group "The Kingston Trio" and the trio, Peter, Paul, and Mary, and was based on a Russian poem called "And Quietly Flows the Don." The gist of both the song and the poem were that all things have both a cause and an effect and are cyclical in nature. 

In the song lyrics,the first question posed was "Where have all the flowers gone?" Answer:"Young girls picked them everyone." The next question was "where have all the young girls gone?" Answer" Gone to young men, everyone" followed by men to soldiers, soldiers to graveyards, and graveyards to flowers illustrating both the futility of war and the cyclical nature of all things using the flower as a metaphor for life. Makes sense, doesn't it? However, when the same question is posed about American jobs, too often the political ideology kicks in and the blame game begins. 

If you're a conservative, you blame the UNIONS. If you're a liberal or Marxist,you blame big business and Wall Street. In either case, you'd be both wrong and RIGHT. To blame either faction as the sole cause of the eradication of the manufacturing sector of our economy would be an oversimplification and misinterpretation of the events that transpired to bring it about. 

From the beginning of the period that followed the end of World War II to about the mid 1970's, roughly two thirds of the finished manufactured goods sold all over the world were made in the United States.During this boom period, we had relatively non-existent unemployment because anyone willing to WORK could find a job. Not only could one FIND a job with relatively little education or experience but onecould support himself and his family in a respectable manner on what he earned from working at such a job. It was also possible to work that same job for twenty years or so and retire from it with a gold watch and a pension that, together with accumulated social security benefits, would allow one to live a relatively secure and comfortable retirement. To understand how we went from being the world's largest producer of finished goods to one of the world's largest consumers, you have to look at organized labor, progressive politicians, the legal profession (creators of the litigation INDUSTRY), and the "wolves of Wall Street."

I'm not writing this solely for the purpose of bashing labor unions. Unions have done a lot of good things for the American worker. Without Unions, there would be no 40 hour work week, sick days, maternity leave,worker's compensation, child labor laws, and a variety of other laws we take for granted in the modern workplace. At their inception, Unions were comprised of men who WORKED in the industry whose workers they represented. They were true peers of their fellow union brethren, and as such, represented their interests with diligence and empathy against corporate executives and managers. By the late 1950s however, unions had been corrupted by both organized crime, and union management that had no relationship to or understanding of its' members as they had been hired directly out of colleges and LAW schools without having EVER done a hard day's work in their lives.

In the late 1930s, the unions were infiltrated by organized crime families following the loss of their Prohibition revenues, and who used the Union's dues pools and retirement pensions as slush funds to build casinos in Havana and Las Vegas. In the election of 1960, Kennedy family patriarch Joseph P. Kennedy used this relationship to help securetheelection of his son, John F. Kennedy, to the presidency, which resulted in the "quid pro quo" exdecutive order legalizing (for the FIRST time in U.S. History) collective bargaining rights for FEDERAL employees. This provided the model that ultimately institutionalized PUBLIC Sector Unions and gave them the stranglehold they now hold on our states and municipalities. Even the uber progressive Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt knew that doing THAT would lead to econonic DISASTER, but Kennedy paid his father's BILL with OUR money.

From that time on, Union leaders saw the power and profit potential inherent in political activism and became more concerned with their personal and political ambitions than the welfare of their members. It was ALSO around this time that labor unions become the targets of infiltration by the Communist Party of the USA, whose agenda had been set forth in its "45 Stated GOALS for the TAKEOVER of America." 

Unions used their new found legislative clout to get laws passed the strengthened their position in one sided collective bargaining (especially in the PUBLIC sector) and to extort higher wages and greater benefits including "cadillac" health care benefits, unrealistic pensions and stock options for their workers. This went on for a time until the cheaper imported manufactured goods began entering the country and finding their way ontostore shelves. Free market forces put the American manufacturers in an untenable position between a rock and a hard place and they realized they could not continue in business if they couldn't be competitive in pricing their products. However, due to their high labor costs and union contracts, they could do nothing to bring down their manufacturing costs so they were hemorrhaging market share to the cheaper imports. This resulted in deminishing sales, declining profits, and lower share values. More than one manufacturer was run out of business altogether, but some found a way to shake the union yoke once and for all and still remain profitable and this is when the "Wolves" of Wall Street started to howl.

In the Reagan era the 1980s, wall streeters coined a new term for America's financial lexicon. This term was "maximizing shareholder value." It was this concept that gave rise to the corporate raider portrayed to perfection by Michael Douglas in the character of Gordon Gekko from Oliver Stone's classic movie "Wall Street." What the corporate raider did was seek out companies that had been declining in profits and share prices, but still had sufficient cash and assets to make the acquisition worthwhile. These raiders however had no intention of running the business once they bought it. Their purpose was to dismantle these corporations and sell off their assets because the companies were more valuable for their parts than for the corporation as a whole and functioning business. They would "maximize the shareholder value by buying the shares at or above market price thereby removing the shareholders from the business model. They would then either work with the existing boardof directors or a new one they inserted to liquidate the assets of the corporation like its real property, inventory, fixtures and equipment or replace them with a slate of officers chosen by the liquidator specifically for this purpose. Employees would be immediately terminated because the board only has a fiduciary duty to shareholders not to employees, and the equipment would be sold off, normally to an overseas concern. 

The dirty little secret to this whole process is that before the takeover, the boards of directors would often organize another company or corporation overseas in a country that was more hospitable to business and when the equipment and fixtures was sold, it would be that company, secretly owned and operated by the same board of directors, that would purchase the equipment and fixtures at a bargain price. The company would then set up a new company to import and sell to retail the products now manufactured overseas, and it's profit would come from the wholesale to retail sales model now inplace. By this slight-of-hand, the corporations effectively reorganized, removed the union and the high labor and operating costs they would have paid in this country, and with a more streamlined business model in place, could realize greater profits than were realized prior to the "liquidation." New corporate name and no manufacturing facilities or employees meansno more UNION obligations. This process was repeated throughout the 1980s and 90s until the manufacturing sector of the American economy was all but EXTINCT, and it's not limited to manufacturing either. Try calling customer service for your credit card to airline today and you'll probably be talking to someone in New Dehli, India. Apparently it's cheaper to pay the long distance charges and the Indian wage than it is to pay Union scale wages and benefits in the customer service industry. 

The loss of these jobs was not the goal of either the unions or the progressives in government. The INTENT of the unions was to use government power that they bought and paid for to effectively wrest (aka STEAL) control of the corporations and their profits from their rightful owners, the shareholders, as we saw in the rape of GM and Chrysler shareholders (aka the rightful OWNERS) by both the UAW and the US Governmentacting in concert. 

The LOSS of the manufacturing jobs and resulting boom-bubble-BUST economic cycles was an "unintended consequence" of the progressive political and social agenda. Seems, however, that most, if not ALL of those progressive political and social agendas are fraught with the damages from the "unintended consequences" on progressives who don't think past the end of their upturned noses when implementing their ideologically driven, but poorly reasoned, agendas. Ironically, we're NOW supposed to believe that CHANGE will come from doing the EXACT same THING only with the GOVERNMENT doing the manipulating instead of the wolves of wall street. 

At the beginning of this piece I referenced the song "Where Have All the Flowers Gone" I chose that song not only to illustrate the cyclicalnature of events, but because it has a most appropriate tag line for our current economic and political situation. That line is "When will we EVER learn?" And the sad ANSWER to the question is, apparently, WE will NEVER learn.